Careers at HSU

Human 资源

很高兴为中文博彩平台的求职者和员工服务. Our office exists to provide a service and assistance concerning personnel, 就业, and benefits for applicants and the University faculty and staff.


如果您对人力资源办公室的职能有任何疑问或需要帮助,请不要犹豫与我们联系. If you would like to see something added to our web site, please contact us or visit us on the third floor of Sandefer Memorial.

HR Department Main Phone 325-670-1259
传真 325-670-5874
太拉吉布森 Director of Human 资源/Co-Title IX Coordinator 太拉

See Open 教师 Positions

See Open 工作人员 Positions

See Open Adjunct Positions

See Open Student Worker Positions

See Volunteer Opportunities

See HSU Camp Jobs

我们很高兴你正在考虑中文博彩平台的就业机会. 大学一直在寻找合格的教职员工来代替那些可能离开或填补校园新职位的人. 支持, 大的家庭氛围影响了几代学生的生活. 我们在员工选拔过程中的目标是继续雇用基督徒,他们将对我们的学生保持这种兴趣,并坚持我们的目的声明(如下)。. If you are interested in 就业 at Hardin-Simmons, please visit the faculty or staff links to the left.

Hardin-Simmons University, 附属于德州浸信会总会的与教会有关的机构; 

  • HSU通过在选定的艺术和科学领域提供具有学术挑战性的教育,促进学生的智力发展, professional and pre-professional programs based upon a liberal arts foundation.
  • 一个多世纪以来,学术卓越一直是中文博彩平台的首要任务. 核心课程涉及学生与所选专业要求有关的广泛的一般研究的探究. 由经验丰富的中文博彩平台教授的小班授课为互动学习提供了机会. 该机构对卓越的承诺最好地体现在传统上在各个领域都表现出色的毕业生的生活中.
  • 通过保持对基督教信仰的明确认同和忠诚,并在历史浸礼会价值观和原则的背景下运作,肯定基督教信仰对当代世界生活的相关性和重要性.
  • Founded in 1891 by a determined group of ministers, ranchers and merchants, 中文博彩平台确立了发展思想和培养学生精神生活的双重目标. That commitment to encour年龄 growth in faith and knowledge has remained central. Believing academic excellence and Christian faith to be complementary, the University emphasizes the need for interaction between faith and reason.
  • 中大鼓励个人积极参与智识活动,过服务的生活, cultural and religious life, both on the campus and in the larger communities of Abilene and the world.
  • Although Western in tradition, the University takes pride in the cosmopolitan nature of its students, faculty and staff, and encour年龄s the development of an international perspective. Through its leadership in providing intellectual, 精神上的, cultural and social opportunities, 大学是促进学生和社会进步和丰富的催化剂.

 In compliance with federal law, 包括1972年教育修正案第九条和1973年康复法案第504条的规定, Hardin-Simmons University does not illegally discriminate on the basis of race, 性, color, national or ethnic origin, 年龄, 残疾, genetic information, or military service in 就业. Under state and federal law, 大学可基于宗教而歧视学生,以达致办学目的. Minorities and women are encour年龄d to apply.

Application Form



On a separate sheet of paper, 为招聘启事中列出的每一项能力写一段话,描述你在每个领域的背景和资格. 这是你展示你在当前或以前工作中的教育和/或经验如何与职位的每个职能相关联的机会. Interview decisions are partially based on this information.


Resume is required to be considered for 就业 at Hardin-Simmons University, unless otherwise stated.


HSU staff vacancies are:

  1. Posted on the HSU Human 资源 web site
  2. Posted on the Human 资源 bulletin board
  3. Frequently placed in the Abilene Reporter 中文博彩平台 and other publications



After consulting with supervisors, 你所申请职位的部门会安排员工的面试. Unfortunately, we are unable to interview all applicants. 因此, 申请人在他们的申请和能力上表现得很好是很重要的. 胜任能力是一种“书面面试”,并由挑选的主管仔细审查.

Background Screen

HSU does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 年龄, 性, 残疾, genetic information, national or ethnic origin in 就业 opportunities, in keeping with applicable state and federal law. 学校致力于维护安全的校园环境,保护学校的财务和实物资产. 因此, Hardin Simmons University conducts background checks. Depending on the position, 申请人也可能需要同意信用检查作为背景调查过程的一部分. 作为一所致力于基督教信仰和价值观的非营利性高等教育机构, 大学根据州和联邦法律行使其权利,将宗教作为做出雇佣决定的一个因素. Minorities and women are encour年龄d to apply.


当我们无法通过电话联系到申请人时,我们经常使用电子邮件与他们联系. If you have an application pending with us, please check your email in the event we are trying to contact you. If you are applying for a position at Hardin-Simmons University, and you change your email address, 电话号码, or address please notify the Human 资源 Office via email




有关申请状态或可能的面试的查询必须直接向人力资源办公室提出. Please do not call or email a faculty or staff office for information.

Unsolicited Applications

我们接受未经请求的申请,并可能根据空缺职位对其进行审核. 然而, 最好的程序是获取一份招聘公告,并按照上面的说明去做.

In compliance with federal law, 包括1972年教育修正案第九条和1973年康复法案第504条的规定, Hardin-Simmons University does not illegally discriminate on the basis of race, 性, color, national or ethnic origin, 年龄, 残疾, genetic information, or military service in 就业. Under state and federal law, 大学可基于宗教而歧视学生,以达致办学目的. Minorities and women are encour年龄d to apply.

Thank you for your interest in 就业 at Hardin-Simmons University.

HSU Volunteers, HSU Employees,  workers at HSU Camps & Conferences involving minors (under the 年龄 of 18) 必须 complete the Child Protection Training.

完成 Child Protection Training on MinistryGrid.

遵循这些 Child Protection Training Instructions.


In addition, a copy 必须 发送到HSU HR/Payroll,并将其放入您的档案中,以验证您是否在开始日期之前完成了培训.

This training 必须 be completed every 2 years, unless you work with an overnight camp which has an annual requirement.